About our company
- 1996: Founding of GTW in Příšov, North Region Pilsen, Czech Republic
- 1998: Building of the first production hall
- 2003: Building of the second production hall
- 2006: ISO 9001 Certification
- 2007: Building of the administration building
- 2010: Building of the third production hall
- 2012: ISO 14001 Certification
- 2014: Building of the fourth production hall
- 2016: OHSAS 18001 Certification
- 2017: Reached 135 employees and increased production capacity
- 2020: Another significant modernization of the machine park (4 new production machines)
- 2023: New hall Chotíkov 1100 m² fully equipped
Certification ISO
Companies GTW BEARINGS s.r.o. and GTW TECHNIK s.r.o. were recertified according to ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016.
GTW BEARINGS s.r.o. achieved in 2012 certification according to ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016 and in 2016 certification according to ČSN OHSAS 18001:2008.
- GTW BEARINGS s.r.o. was awarded Vodafone Company of the Year 2018 in the Pilsen Region.
- In 2013, a joint project between GTW BEARINGS s.r.o., Wikov Gear s.r.o., Research and Testing Institute Pilsen s.r.o. and the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, entitled Research and Development of Turbo-Gearbox with a New Type of Journal Tilting Pad Bearings, won the award in category Usefulness of Final Result from the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic.
- Since 2008, GTW BEARINGS s.r.o. is also annually selected in the rankings of the Top 50 economically healthy and financially stable companies in the Pilsen Region (source “Štiky českého byznysu”).